In the autorig sub-tab, you will have the option to have pre-rigged parts of limbs that can be modified.
You will be able to easily create IK FK switches, allowing you to create separate rigs for tomorrow's foot rigs and, of course, establish a highway for an entire human body. Please be cautious during all manipulations for auto-rigs, ensuring that the rotations and translations of various joints are respected, with only one rotation axis in the joints, except in cases where there should not be more than one translation for the switch IKFK joints and hands.

To create an IK FK switch rig, firstly, you'll need to press the "set template switch fk/ik" button. This will generate placement joints to facilitate the creation of the IKFK switch. These joints are renameable, and you can give them any name you want. However, it is crucial that the name starts with "TK_" and you can add any desired text afterward, but there should not be an underscore (_) after it.

Example renaming: good : "TK_myRename" bad : "TK_my_Rename"
You will have the option to access some features in the IKFK system through the checkbox below the button.
"With stretch" will allow you to stretch your IKFK switch in IK.
"Hide blend controller" will give you an attribute to hide the blend controllers.
"System Hide Controller FK/IK" will enable you to create a system that switches the visibility of different controllers based on the IKEA hierarchy or the FK hierarchy.

Once the rig is created, you will have the option to access and modify settings by selecting the cross icon. You can modify anything you want. You will find attributes to switch from FK to IK, attributes to view all controllers at once, attributes to display blend controllers, and attributes to stretch the IKFK switch system.

The joints that will be used for skinning are all the joints located in the "SKS" group. You select all the joints in the "SKS" group, and then you can skin them with your model.

To create AutoRig for hand, you just need to first create the template by pressing "set template hand". Move the joints as you desire.
Once this is done, simply press "Create rig hand"; and your hand rig will be generated. You have the option to add attributes for the hand. these attributes will enable animation principles on the hand for a smoother animation experience.

For your information, when placing the joints, they should extend all the way to the fingertips, including the penultimate joint and the last phalanx. The last joint helps visualize and better assess the placement of the joints.

To skin your hand, you'll need to select the joints located in the "jnt_ik" group. Simply select all the joints in this group and apply the skinning to your hand.

For the "set template feet" button and the "create rig feet" button, the process will be exactly the same as for the autorig hand, exactly the same. To position your joints,
the joints "TK_banking_back" joint should be placed at the back of the foot where it makes contact with the ground.
the joints "TK_foot_end" should be placed at the front of the foot where it makes contact with the ground.
The joints "TK_banking_inside" and "TK_banking_outside" should be placed at each side of the foot's end. Also, the rotation of these joints should correspond to the angle of the foot closure. This will ensure proper support on the ground during banking movements.

To skin the foot after you have created the rig, you will need to select the joints located in the controllers group.

To create the autorig for the body, you'll need to press the "set template autorig" button to generate the template. With the checkboxes just below the button, you can modify it. If you have a non-symmetrical idea or if you want to include feet or hands, simply check what you want before pressing the "set template auto rig" button.

After placing all the joints, you can click on "Create auto rig" to generate the rig. If you have feet and hands, you will be able to access attributes clic on "Attribute feet/hand" that enable pre-animation for the hands and feet. These are exactly the same animations as those for the hand rig, but specific to the foot rig.

To skin the character's rig, you will need to click on "Create skin". This will automatically select the joints that need to be skinned on the model and open the bind skin parameters. If you have additional joints to be skinned that are not part of the autorig, you will need to select those joints, check the "Add Selection" box, and press "Create skin". This will retain your previously selected joints.

All that will be left for you to do is the skinning to complete the process. and you can use know easily the autorig tools