Toolkits will provide you with a tool to optimize and clean up your scenes. For example, it will offer functionality to delete the history of nodes in the scene, check for unnecessary construction history, perform freezeTransforms, verify for empty nodes, identify nodes with duplicate names, etc.

For each detected item, it will be possible to know which object is causing the issue. There will be a brief meta-description to explain why it is not advisable to neglect cleaning that functionality. You will also have the option to select the problematic nodes by choosing elements from the list, then pressing "Select Node". Additionally, you can optimize the selected items with a single click by pressing "Automatic Optimization".

The advantage of this tool is that you have complete control over what you want to optimize and clean. However, it is possible to execute everything at once and clean everything by clicking on "Full Optimization". This allows you to clean everything in one go without manually checking each element to see if it needs cleaning or not.

If you have scenes with a large number of nodes, it is possible that each time you press Optimize Selected Objects it may take some time to react because ToolsKit will check if everything is correct and in order each time, performing auto-checks. You can disable this by unchecking "Auto check", allowing you to optimize much faster. However, when you disable this feature, it will not refresh automatically. To refresh, you will need to press "Start checking" again.