In this sub-tab, you will have the possibility to have a lot of shortcuts that will allow you to facilitate and save time in your rigs. It will enable you to accelerate your creation time in your rigs. It will allow you to duplicate your checks, creating ribbons that help you better position your controllers in just a few clicks.

The button "Joints on Surface" will allow you to create joints that will be driven by a surface. It is possible to choose the direction of your surface rebound. Thanks to the Reverse UV parameters (By default, the joints are aligned along the U length).

The button"Joint on Curve" will allow you to create joints that will be driven by a curve. It is possible to choose the desired number of joints, or alternatively, you can create as many joints as there are CVs on the curve.

the button "Create a Hook" will allow you to create a connection between two nodes. This enables you to establish a different hierarchy while retaining the parent-child principle. The first selected mode will be the parent, and all subsequently selected nodes will be the children. (A transform hook node will be created, and all the modes inside it will be driven by this hook node.)

"Merge Multiple Shapes" will allow you to merge several curve-type shapes together to form a single shape. (The curve selected first will be the parent shape.)

"Copy a Shape" will allow you to copy a shape to another transform node, enabling you to precisely replicate the same shape and paste it onto all other selected modes. (The curve selected first will be the shape copied.)

"Instantiate a Shape" will do nearly the same thing as "Copy Shape", but the shapes will be instantiated instead of copied. This means that if you modify one of the instantiated shapes, it will be reflected in all the other shapes.

"Mirror Hierarchy" will allow you to create the mirror of the entire selected hierarchy along a symmetry axis with respect to the World. You just need to select the node you want to duplicate as a mirror, and all its children will be created as mirrors too. (ToolsKit will be able to detect whether it is the left or the right side.)

"Add Group" will allow you to create an intermediate mode on the selected nodes by adopting the nomenclature from the selection. This works with multiple nodes selected simultaneously. You just need to enter the prefix you want for your created node.

"Visibility sk On" or "Visibility sk Off" will allow you to hide or show all the joints in the scene.

"Position Help" will enable you to create four locators that assist you in placing your controllers precisely where you want them. The locators (place_1, place_2) help position the general_location, and the orient_loc allows you to orient the general_location. This enables you to position and orient as desired. Afterward, you simply need to select and create a controller with ToolsKit, and it will automatically be oriented and placed like the general_location. (You can change the color of the locators in the ToolsKit settings.)

"Aim Matrix" allows you to create an Aim constraint using a matrix. You need to select a minimum of 2 transform nodes to create the Aim, but it's possible to select 3 to establish a primary rotation axis.

"Create Surface" will enable you to generate a surface from two locators. You need to create these locators by pressing "Place Locator Surface". Afterward, you just need to position your locators and press "Create Surface".

"Auto Hierarchy Ikfk" allows you to create an IK FK system simultaneously. This enables you to manage how your FK and IK hierarchies deform at the same time. To do this, simply select one or more surfaces and press "Auto Hierarchy Ikfk".
You can specify the number of controllers in the first field and, in the second field, choose the number of ribbons that will be on the surface. Finally, if the IKFK hierarchy is in the wrong direction, you can reverse it by checking the "Invert Hierarchy" box.

"Create a uvPin" will allow you to generate a group that will be directly UV-pinned to the selected vertex.