Overlapping System
This sub-tab will allow you to create automatic overlapping without the need to animate it manually. You will have the option to choose between three types of OVERLAP. Each of the methods will have different parameters and produce different results.

The first overlapping mode, "Overlapping by delay", is the simplest and easiest to use. This mode allows you to shift animation keys by a specified number of frames to create an offset.
Simply select all the controllers you want to shift, each additionally selected object will be offset by the specified number of frames relative to the last selected object.

The "With animation Layer" and "Detect selection" parameters are not useful for this mode.
The second mode, called "Automatic Calcul Point Overlap", allows you to create overlap without the need to animate the FK chain. Simply select the main controller of the FK chain and choose how many frame offsets you want to create. (If you haven't activated "Detect Selection", you will need to manually select each controller you want.)

The last mode is called "Overlapping by Curve". Simply select the main controller of your FK chain and choose the desired parameters. (If you haven't activated "Detect selection", you will need to manually select each controller you want.)

It has the same functionalities as the second mode. If you want the animation keys to be created on a different layer, you should check "With Animation Layer".
The "Stretching" parameter allows you to expand or contract the space between controllers if there are strong accelerations.
The "Bending" parameter controls the amount of curvature in the overlapping.
The "Rigidity" parameter makes the overlapping stiffer.
The "Shape Memory" parameter helps preserve the original shape of your FK chain.
The "Gravity" parameter allows you to change the gravity.